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Aryan Jain

Software Developer

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Last Updated On: 3rd October, 2023

About Me

I am an ardent enthusiast of full-stack and deep learning technologies, currently seeking opportunities to engage in web development, as well as machine and deep learning projects. My long-term professional aspiration is to become an esteemed AI researcher, allowing me to broaden and deepen my knowledge in this burgeoning field. At present, I am pursuing a master's degree in computer science at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Previously, I have accrued substantial experience as a software developer at Josh Software, where I honed my proficiency in full-stack software engineering. My skillset encompasses an extensive range of competencies, encompassing both web development and deep learning domains.

Watch my short introduction video. Hope you like it! :)

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer (January 2024 - Present)

Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA

Currently working as a Senior Software Engineer, Co-op, dedicated to building the company's FMAX platform (Fidelity Managed Account Xchange). This platform is designed to enhance the methods through which investment advice is delivered. The current technology stack is dynamic, encompassing Angular, Spring-Boot, Terraform, Docker, and other components.

  • Angular
  • Spring-Boot
  • Terraform
  • TypeScript
  • Agile
  • SDLC

Teaching Assistant (January 2023 - Present)

Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

I served as a Teaching Assistant for the course "Fundamentals of Software Engineering" (CS-4530). In this capacity, I mentored students on diverse programming concepts, with a specific emphasis on full-stack development utilizing ReactJS, NodeJS, Typescript, Jest, and Mocha as the tech stack. My responsibilities involved working closely with five groups, each consisting of four students, as they undertook their final project in full-stack development. Additionally, I provided support to students by addressing their queries related to course content, which encompassed topics such as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), project planning and estimation, requirements analysis, program design, as well as software scalability, reliability, quality, and testing.
Check out course website: CS-4530

  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • NextJS
  • Typescript
  • Fullstack
  • MySQl
  • HTML & CSS
  • SDLC

Software Developer (January 2021 - November 2022)

Josh Software, Pune

During my tenure at Josh Software, I had the privilege of working with Lemnisk as our client. Lemnisk stands as the pioneering real-time marketing automation solution, underpinned by an intelligent and secure Customer Data Platform, uniquely designed to enhance the conversion, retention, and growth objectives of enterprises. My role within the company entailed working as a full-stack developer, specifically dedicated to the development of the CDP (Customer Data Platform) and Marketing Automation (MA) platform.
More Information:

  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • NextJS
  • Typescript
  • Wireframes & Prototypes
  • Fullstack
  • MySQl

As a software developer, I made significant contributions to the development of BidWheelz, an expansive online-live-bidding platform catering to various vehicle categories. Throughout this project, my primary responsibility involved collaborating with ICICI Bank, a leading private sector bank in India, to incorporate new technologies and concepts such as Payment Gateways. Additionally, I worked with real-time data management, executing essential functions within this framework.
More Information:

  • ReactJS
  • Javascript
  • Frontend
  • MongoDB

In my capacity as a software developer, I collaborated with a healthcare client to develop software for India's first fully automated Sample-to-PCR-ready system, which negates the need for extensive infrastructure and capital investment in testing laboratories. Specifically, I leveraged my expertise as a frontend developer to create the UI for the machine's software using React. Through my involvement in this project, I gained valuable experience in frontend development, including proficiency in working with sockets, as well as exposure to design patterns used in industry applications.
More Information:

  • Frontend
  • Javascript
  • React

Backend Developer (December 2019 - March 2020)

Wolffkraft Design Studio, Pune

In my role as a back-end web developer, I contributed to the development of two major projects within the company, leveraging a range of MEAN stack technologies, including Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.js. Additionally, I gained experience working with various cloud platforms, including AWS, MongoDB-Atlas, and Google Cloud. To ensure optimal performance, I deployed the application on DigitalOcean, and played a key role in single-handedly managing the back-end aspect of the project.
More Information:

  • Backend
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • AWS
  • Databases (Mongo)


project name


  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB

A comprehensive productivity software built using Typscript, React, Node.js, Firebase and MongoDB. This platform assists registered users in organizing their daily schedules, managing tasks, and storing important files efficiently. Furthermore, it offers insightful progress tracking through visually appealing charts such as heatmaps and radar charts. Users also receive email notifications for important tasks and can assign priority levels to each tasks. The integration of libraries like React-Query, moment.js, material-ui enhances the user experience.

Read more here :

project name

RealTime Dumb Charade Challenge

  • WebRTC
  • Real-Time
  • React.js
  • Node.js

Created online Dumb-Charades game using WebSockets (Socket.IO) and WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication). In this game, players can join or create virtual rooms. After setting up the room, a peer-to-peer connection is made between the player's device and the server, using SFU (Signal Forwarding Unit) architecture.

Once everything is ready, the chosen player, called the "streamer," shares their webcam feed with the server. The server then sends this feed in real-time to all other players, known as "viewers." The "streamer" acts out a movie's name silently, while viewers rapidly guess the title in the chatbox to score points.

Read more here:

project name

Workflow Management Solftware

  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MySQL

Developed a specialized software solution catering to the needs of small businesses. Implemented key functionalities including role-based user access management, task allocation, payroll administration, HR management, and enhanced client communication. All features seamlessly integrated within a unified platform, streamlining operations. Notably, incorporated scalability for future feature expansion and leveraged tools from Amazon and Firebase to bolster client interaction and security.

Frontend :
Backend :

project name

Low Resolution Image to Super Resolution using GANs

  • GANs
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision

Studied about GANs and different state-of-the-art architectures to build a model that can convert a low resolution image to a fine-tuned super resolution image. The project uses Enhanced Deep Residual Networks (EDSR) architecture of network to generate high resolution images.
EDSR paper:

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project name

Indian Roads - Object Detection using Android

  • Android
  • ML
  • Computer Vision
  • TF-Lite

An android application that detects objects normally found on Indian roads like - Car, Bicycle, Cow, Truck, etc. I used the TF-Lite model in this application and downloaded specific categories from the COCO dataset to train upon. The application uses the phone's rear camera and detects in real-time.

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Image Caption Generator

  • RNN
  • CNN
  • Computer Vision
  • Keras

Implementation of 'merge' architecture for generating image captions from paper "What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?" using Keras.

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project name

CIFAR-10 image classification with an accuracy-of ~90%

  • Deep Learning
  • CNN
  • Computer Vision

CIFAR is a dataset comprised of 60,000 32×32 pixel color photographs of objects from 10 classes like - cars, airplane, etc.

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project name

Chrome's T-rex game played by machine using genetic algorithm (NEAT).

  • NEAT
  • Reinforcement
  • Genetic Algorithm

All time famous offline Chrome's T-rex game played by machine using gentic algorithm NEAT (Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies).

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project name

Offline Digit Recognization Application

  • Deep Learning
  • CNN

A complete offline application built using python libraries that uses neural network in order to predict the digit drawn over screen.

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Flappy Bird Game using genetic algorithm (NEAT)

  • NEAT
  • Game Development
  • Reinforcement

Flappy bird is a popular game in which the user tries to stay alive by hopping between the close gap of two pipes. Here, I have studied about genetic algorithm in neural network and blended the concept of neuro evolution with Flappy Bird game. Data which is fed as input to the neural network is the HEIGHT of bird from ground and DISTANCE of bird from the two pipes (d1 & d2). This data provided to the neural network predicts whether the bird should jump or not.

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Movie review prediction ML project

  • Machine Learning
  • Flask

Project uses neural network in order to extract out sentiments from a given movie review and tell whether it is a +ve review or a -ve one. It uses flask module for data transformation between front-end and back-end.

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project name

Live location tracing Android App

  • Android Development
  • Google MAPs API
  • JAVA

A simple app that tracks the real time location of the people who are using it and displays it over map.User needs to sign up in the application for authentication after which he/she can enjoy the services without signing in again and again. Application uses Google Firebase for it's data collection and Google maps api key for the access of maps.

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Tic-Tac-Toe Android Game

  • Android Development
  • JAVA

An android application to play our all time favourite tic-tac-toe game.

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